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DIY projects

16 June 2017

A Study Found Homes Painted These Colors Sell For More Money

Category: DIY projects

What color to paint the different rooms in a home is always a hotly debated topic. Interior designers have their standbys, trends point towards another set of colors, and mood boosting or calming hues dictate their own palette. But Zillow found that homebuyers place a premium on certain colors - primarily, neutral shades of gray and blue. The online real estate website broke down what colors buyers are looking for in each room and how much more they're willing to pay to get them. Take a look ahead.

What color to paint the different rooms in a home is always a hotly debated topic. Interior designers have their standbys, trends point towards another set of colors, and mood boosting or calming hues dictate their own palette. But Zillow found that homebuyers place a premium on certain colors - primarily, neutral shades of gray and blue. The online real estate website broke down what colors buyers are looking for in each room and how much more they're willing to pay to get them. Take a look ahead.

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