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16 January 2017

Royal Prince 1st Birthday Party

Category: Parties

Royal Palace sweet spread from a Royal Prince 1st Birthday Party on Kara's Party Ideas | (29)

Do you have you heart set on a royal theme for your little one's birthday party, but don't quite know where to start?! Take a look at this Royal Prince 1st Birthday Party by Karthika Subaharan of Style and Stripes, out of Colombo, Sri Lanka!

Its elegant gold and white color palette, alongside royal sweets and fancy decor is sure to fill your heart with joy and your mind with imagination!

Although all details in this party are fit for a prince, here are a few included, that I have to point out: 

  • Stunning five-tiered cake topped with a gold crown
  • Royal palace party backdrop
  • Grand hall party entrance
  • Galant gold stallion table centerpieces
  • And an array of incredible royal sweets placed on gold dessert pedestals!

Royal Palace sweet spread from a Royal Prince 1st Birthday Party on Kara's Party Ideas | (29)

Do you have you heart set on a royal theme for your little one's birthday party, but don't quite know where to start?! Take a look at this Royal Prince 1st Birthday Party by Karthika Subaharan of Style and Stripes, out of Colombo, Sri Lanka!

Its elegant gold and white color palette, alongside royal sweets and fancy decor is sure to fill your heart with joy and your mind with imagination!

Although all details in this party are fit for a prince, here are a few included, that I have to point out: 

  • Stunning five-tiered cake topped with a gold crown
  • Royal palace party backdrop
  • Grand hall party entrance
  • Galant gold stallion table centerpieces
  • And an array of incredible royal sweets placed on gold dessert pedestals!

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