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DIY projects

01 March 2017

I Lived in My House During My Kitchen Reno, and Here's Why I Would Do It Again

Category: DIY projects

Renovations can be impressively dirty, time consuming, and utterly stressful. I thought that the mass quantity of DIY shows that I watch had prepared me for the reality of demolishing my kitchen. However, I neglected to recognize that most of those shows don't have people living in the place at the time. Living in my house while a major part of it was being demolished was more stressful than I had ever imagined. Even though there are a lot of downsides to living in a construction site, there are also a lot of surprising benefits to it as well. Keep reading to find out why I would do it again.

Renovations can be impressively dirty, time consuming, and utterly stressful. I thought that the mass quantity of DIY shows that I watch had prepared me for the reality of demolishing my kitchen. However, I neglected to recognize that most of those shows don't have people living in the place at the time. Living in my house while a major part of it was being demolished was more stressful than I had ever imagined. Even though there are a lot of downsides to living in a construction site, there are also a lot of surprising benefits to it as well. Keep reading to find out why I would do it again.

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