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DIY projects

31 March 2017

Pick a Spring Activity and We'll Tell You Which Scented Candle You'll Love

Category: DIY projects

With the onset of Spring comes a candle-lovers' conundrum: which glorious seasonal scent should fill my home? Between springtime blooms, fresh fruits, and tropical breezes, there are so many options out there to make your home smell springy and inviting.

If you're stumped about which direction you should lean on your next candle-shopping expedition, simply pick a favorite seasonal activity and we'll give you an idea. So read on, waterfall chasers, farmers market connoisseurs, and late-night ice cream snackers: there's a candle out there that's just right for you!

With the onset of Spring comes a candle-lovers' conundrum: which glorious seasonal scent should fill my home? Between springtime blooms, fresh fruits, and tropical breezes, there are so many options out there to make your home smell springy and inviting.

If you're stumped about which direction you should lean on your next candle-shopping expedition, simply pick a favorite seasonal activity and we'll give you an idea. So read on, waterfall chasers, farmers market connoisseurs, and late-night ice cream snackers: there's a candle out there that's just right for you!

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